Mesaba Heating & Air Conditioning Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Grand Rapids’

Are Your Pets Causing Sneaky AC Damage?

Monday, July 8th, 2024

Occasionally, the cause of an air conditioning problem is very obvious. For example, if a large tree branch fell and crushed your outdoor AC unit, you would know exactly why it isn’t working. But most of the time, the cause is a little less clear at first glance. That can make it hard for a homeowner to take the necessary steps to prevent such problems from happening. We’d like to help.

One easily overlooked cause of air conditioning problems is our beloved animal companions. What’s that? You never suspected that Fluffy was the reason your AC hasn’t been running properly? Yes, pets can cause AC damage, and sometimes they’re sneaky enough that we pet owners don’t realize what they’ve been doing. Here are the clues to look for.

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Prepare Your Home for Your HVAC Installation Appointment

Monday, June 24th, 2024

Wow, are you ever going to enjoy that new HVAC system! You’ll be so impressed with how effective and efficient today’s heaters, heat pumps, and air conditioners are. But before you can kick back in comfort, you’ve got an installation appointment. What should you know before your HVAC installation? What can you do to prepare your home and make sure it goes smoothly? We’ve got the answers.

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Is a Heat Pump Your Next Best Choice?

Monday, January 22nd, 2024

In the middle of winter, when you’re paying the most per month for home climate control that you will all year, you might be thinking about heating efficiency and what your options might be. Is there a way to save money on heating while staying just as cozy, or even more so? Perhaps a heat pump could help you with this.

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How Long Can a Maintained Boiler Last?

Monday, October 16th, 2023

The home heating boiler is a classic for a reason, and still popular enough for millions of Americans to use this type of heating system. The heat they provide is very even, avoiding the hot and cold spots that plague some forced-air systems, and they’re quite efficient. But the biggest selling point of a boiler is just how long they last.

While a boiler can last a long time, the biggest factor in whether they actually keep running is maintenance. So how long can they last if well-maintained?

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Why Boilers Last Longer than Conventional Heaters

Monday, September 18th, 2023

Gas furnaces for forced hot air systems are the most popular way to heat homes in the US. But boilers remain very popular as well, for a wide variety of reasons. For one thing, houses in colder climates, like ours, are less likely to have ductwork. This is because it was first intended for use in central air conditioning systems, and homes in hotter parts of the country were more likely to be built with air conditioning in mind. Another major reason for the continued popularity of boilers is their longevity. Boilers last longer than furnaces. They might be able to keep heating your home for thirty years! Let’s take a close look at why that is.

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Preparing for Fall: Our Furnace Checklist

Monday, September 4th, 2023

You might not want to think about a cold Minnesota winter just yet, but you definitely don’t want it to sneak up on you while you’re unprepared! Your heating system is the first thing to keep in mind, since it’s the last thing you could live without come January. How can you make sure your furnace is prepared for fall? Follow this handy checklist, and you’ll be all ready when the cold weather hits. 

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Our Guide to Choosing Your Next AC

Monday, June 26th, 2023

Welcome to summer, a season of gorgeous weather, outdoor fun, and… suddenly being aware of just how well—or poorly—your air conditioner is working. Many folks are just now thinking about the condition of their AC unit and having concerns about whether they might need to get a new one before the summer is out. If AC replacement is on the horizon for you, there are a lot of options available. You should consider all these possibilities before making your choice.

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Is It Time to Replace or Repair?

Monday, May 1st, 2023

Spring might be slow to warm up in Minnesota, and there might be some snowy setbacks, but we’re really getting there, folks. And with springtime comes the task of getting ready for summer. Is your air conditioner ready for another season of keeping you and your home comfortable and cool? Or do you have some doubts? This is the perfect time to consider whether you should have a problematic air conditioner repaired, or whether it’s time for a new one.

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The Benefits of a New Boiler

Monday, December 26th, 2022

As the weather gets colder and colder in Minnesota, it is a good time to ask how is your heating system doing. Has it been struggling to keep you warm enough? Has it been making any odd noises or requiring repairs? Have you been unpleasantly surprised by your utility bills increasing? Are you worried about how old your heater is, and wondering how much longer it can last?

A new boiler could solve all of these problems and bring you tremendous peace of mind, along with consistent warmth. If you think you’ll be needing to replace your heater soon, you should consider all the benefits a brand-new boiler can provide.

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How to Make New AC Installation Easy

Monday, June 13th, 2022

The day has finally come. Your air conditioner can’t do the job it’s supposed to anymore. Maybe it’s been a slow decline full of costly repairs or maybe your air conditioner just gave out one day. In either scenario, you’re now faced with the long summer ahead and a sea of air conditioning options before you. The idea of purchasing a new air conditioner can be quite overwhelming. This doesn’t even mention the installation! What can you do to make it easier?

We don’t believe in cutting corners on our team. This is why we make sure that all our technicians are well-versed and highly trained in HVAC services. Today, we want to take a moment to give you all the best information to make your AC installation in Grand Rapids, MN as fast, easy, and affordable as it possibly can be. We’re experts who make an effort to pay our knowledge forward.

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